Tim Grace and Mary Kay Schultz hosted the September, 2020 B.A.S.H. meeting on Sunday the 11th at their home in Corpus Christi.
El Presidente Jack Heim called the meeting to order, thanked our hosts and welcomed new members Dick and Janet Duncan (Tim’s friends). Walt Crawford presented a glowing treasury report. Most of the discussion concerned the upcoming Iron Mash XVII. The following teams were identified:
Mark Quade/Kevin Nelson – extract
Tim Grace/William Lee – all grain
Chris Ackman/Jack Clampit/Ryan Terry/Mary Kay Schultz – all grain
Phil Sims/Jack Downey/Josh Hoien/Mari – extract
Don’t forget the upcoming social at Hook & Ladder Brewpub! In other new business, Jack’s attempt to beat the Guiness Book Of World Records for stacking people atop a flimsy cocktail table ended abruptly.
The competition this month was open to any beer style. The declared style for Homebrewer of the Year was Festbier, BJCP category 4B. With three competitors, the winning beer receives three HBOY points (doubled if it is of the declared style), 2nd place receives two HBOY points (doubled if of the declared style), third place receives one HBOY point (doubled if of the declared style) and 4th place and beyond receive no points. Six beers were entered but only five were judged – Wild Bill’s “Hans” and Frantz” festbiers were inadvertently mixed and served to the judges. Scores for the five resulting entries were as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – “Hans and Frantz” Festbier (BJCP 4B) 39.0/50 – 6 HBOY points
John Fulton -- International Dark Lager (BJCP 2C) 35.6/50 – 2 HBOY points
Mark Quade – Festbier (BJCP 4B) 33.5/50 – 2 HBOY points
John Fulton – Strong Bitter (BJCP 11C) 31.3/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld –Blueberry American Wheat (BJCP 29A/1D) 30.4/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill’s “Hans and Frantz” Festbier thus advances to the upcoming Best Of Show round.
After 2 of 6 competitions in the 2020 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 10 HBOY points
James Fowler – 8 HBOY points
John Fulton – 2 HBOY points
Mark Quade – 2 HBOY points
Jack Downey/Phil Sims – 0 HBOY points
After adjourning, we wolfed down chili and enjoyed a new homebrew from Paul Holder (Irish Red Ale) and commercial beers from Lara Busch (Trader Joe’s Howling Gourds Pumpkin Ale/Eighth Wonder
Haterade Gose), Josh Hoien (Wasatch Nitro Polygamy Porter) and Mark Woerner (Paulaner Oktoberfest).
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
18-Oct-20: B.A.S.H. social (Hook & Ladder Brewpub, Aransas Pass, 1:30 p.m., patio seating)
7-Nov-20: Iron Mash XVII (Lazy Beach Brewing, 11:00 a.m.)
8-Nov-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (Jack Heim, competition: winter seasonal beer, BJCP 30C)
13-Dec-20: B.A.S.H. meeting (Trout Street Bar & Grill, Port Aransas?)
10-Jan-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (Walt Crawford, Iron Mash XVII judging)
14-Feb-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Scottish Ales, BJCP 14A
14-Mar-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, brewing demonstration?)
11-Apr-21: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Extract Challenge, open category >51% extract)
Thanks again Tim and Mary Kay, welcome Dick and Janet, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at Lazy Beach and at Jack & Karen’s!