The February, 2019 B.A.S.H. meeting was hosted by Lou Needleman on Sunday the 10th at his “home-away-from-home” in Corpus Christi. El Presidente Mike Wojdyla called the meeting to order, thanked our host and welcomed new member Spencer Beard and his son Brendan. Treasurer Tom reported a still-healthy club balance. Mike reminded us that we needed an officers’ nominating committee for 2019-2020 in May. The Big Brew is also coming up in May.
In old business, the new competition format was implemented this month (see below).
In new business, Vice President Elizabeth Gibbens mentioned that the 3rd annual Corpus Christi Brewery Festival is Saturday, March 9 at the Art Center. We discussed the possibility of having a B.A.S.H. information table with a flyer directing interested people to our website.
The competition this month was open to all styles, with double points awarded
Wild Bill Lehfeld – saison “D” 36.0/50
Wild Bill – saison “C” 33.0/50
Wild Bill – saison “A” 32.9/50
Mark Quade – saison 32.7/50
Wild Bill – saison “B” 30.1/50
With two entrants, 2 points are awarded for 1st place and one point for 2nd place (doubled for beers of the declared style). Thus Wild Bill earns 6 points for 2019 Homebrewer of the Year. His saison “D” advances to the Best Of Show judging in June, to compete with the winning beers from the upcoming contests at the April and June meetings.
As we devoured Lou’s spiral-sliced ham, we enjoyed the competition beers plus new homebrews from Chris Ackman (“backasswards” IPA), Paul Holder (dunkels weissbier) and Wild Bill (black licorice honey porter/spruce pale ale/dunkels weissbier). Among the commercial beers were Real Ale Devil’s Backbone (Tom), Dogfish Head Festina Peche (Paul), McGuire’s Irish Red/Harpoon Dunkin Donuts Coffee Porter (Aggie Bill Hughen), Saison Dupont (Mark Quade), Sierra Nevada Celebration (Mark Woerner) and Twisted X Chupahpra (Mike).
The following ridiculous comments were overheard:
Paul – “My tongue is self-cleaning!”
Mark Q – “Nobody objects – it’s anonymous!”
Upcoming B.A.S.H. events:
12-Feb-19: Education Event “Water Chemistry” (CC Homebrew Supply)
10-Mar-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (Mary Kay Schultz/Tim Grace)
13-Mar-19: Education Event “Sour Beers” (CC Homebrew Supply)
10-Apr-19: Education Event?
14-Apr-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, American IPA (BJCP 21A), Specialty IPA (BJCP 21B) competition, open to all beers)
4-May-19: Big Brew (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate?)
8-May-19: Education Event?
19-May-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (John Daniels, NOTE: 3RD SUNDAY)
9-Jun-19: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Low Gravity Challenge <5% ABV Must Provide OG/FG, open to all beers)
12-Jun-19: Education Event?
Thanks again Lou, congratulations Wild Bill, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at Tim and Mary Kay’s !