Tim Grace and Mary Kay Schultz hosted the April, 2022 B.A.S.H. meeting on Sunday the 3rd at the Bay Yacht Club in Corpus Christi.
Vic Aguilar called the meeting to order, thanked Tim, Mary Kay and the Bay Yacht club and welcomed new member Roger Barnaby and guests Larry Padron (Vic’s friend), Glenn Porterfield (Jay’s brother) and Mickey (John Brett’s friend). Walt Crawford presented a steadfast treasurer’s report and Wild Bill Lehfeld presented a brief secretary’s report.
In old business, Paul Holder announced the AHA’s beer recipes for the Big Brew – The Community American Lager and Dark Inception Imperial Porter. Vic Aguilar and Jay Porterfield agreed to serve as brewing team captains. A nominating committee for next years officers will be selected at the May meeting, with elections to follow in June. The new fiscal year begins in July. Phil Sims reported that former member Jack Downey is now an F-18 Growler pilot.
The competition this month was the Low Gravity Challenge for beers <5% ABV. With more than three competitors, the winning beer receives three Homebrewer of the Year points (doubled for low gravity), 2nd place receives two HBOY points (doubled for low gravity), third place receives one HBOY point (doubled for low gravity) and 4th place and beyond receive no points. Six beers were entered. Judges’ results were as follows:
Paul Holder – British golden ale (BJCP 12A) 37.1/50 – 6 HBOY points
John Fulton – German Pils (BJCP 13B) 34.5/50 – 4 HBOY points
Paul Holder – Best Bitter (BJCP 11B) 32.1/50 – 2 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – American wheat beer (BJCP 1D) 31.5/50 – 0 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – British golden ale (BJCP 12A) 30.5/50 – 0 HBOY points
Victor Aguilar– Cream ale (BJCP 1C) 29.0/50 – 0 HBOY points
Paul’s British golden ale thus advances to the upcoming Best of Show round.
After 5 of 6 competitions in the 2022 competition season, cumulative HBOY results are as follows:
Paul Holder – 27 HBOY points
Wild Bill Lehfeld – 11 HBOY points
John Fulton – 4 HBOY points
Mike Terrenzi – 2 HBOY points
James Fowler – 0 HBOY points
Victor Aguilar – 0 HBOY points
As we enjoyed crawfish etouffee, we drank the competition beers and a new homebrew from Vic – Tiger Blood IPA. Interesting commercial beers included John Brett’s Heavy Riff Dear Agony Aged in Blanton’s Whiskey Barrels, John Fulton’s Manhattan Project Plutonium 239 Coconut Porter, Paul Hicks’ Lazy Beach Choppy Waters DIPA, Adam Klager’s Guiness Chocolate Mint Stout, Mary Kay’s Mountains Walking Fruited Sour/Bandera Brewery Saison and Mark Woerner’s Saloon Door Imperial Hot Rock Beer.
7-May-22: Big Brew and brewing equipment swap meet (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate)
15-May-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (John Daniels, NOTE: 3RD SUNDAY)
12-Jun-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Czech pale lager/premium pale lager, BJCP 3A-B)
10-Jul-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (B&J’s Pizza on Staples at Timbergate, hosted by Paul Holder)
14-Aug-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Extract Challenge > 50% extract)
11-Sep-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (Mark Woerner?)
9-Oct-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Weissbier, BJCP 10A)
5-Nov-22: Iron Mash XIX
13-Nov-22: B.A.S.H. meeting (need host, competition: Old Ale/Wee Heavy Ale, BJCP 17B-C)
Thanks again Tim and Mary Kay, keep on brewin’ and we’ll see you at the Big Brew and at the Daniels’!